Yes, ladies. We want to stock a pregnancy pillow. Hell, we want to stock a whole range of them.
The problem is, we can’t decide which direction to go in… and we’d love your help.
There’s a wide selection of styles available, from ones that resemble little ramps for your belly to ones that wrap around your whole body and every size and shape in between.
I'm not sure what's going on here but it looks pretty comfy? Although unfurling yourself to go to the toilet would be annoying, no?
What did I do? I can say I definitely needed one, I was hea-vy, and sleep during pregnancy is difficult for pretty much all of us. Your brain is constantly reminding you “DON’T SLEEP ON YOUR BACK!” and it’s impossible to sleep on your stomach. Plus in the third trimester you get to look forward to needing to go to the toilet EVERY. 5. MINUTES. Oof.
My husband and I had to (chose to more likely) dedicate every spare cent we had to things for the baby. Admittedly looking back, 90% of those contraptions and gadgets and new born baby shoes we didn’t need, sure. But we were so obsessed with the little gorilla growing in my womb that spending money on anything else seemed frivolous. How wrong we were. What I know now is, firstly, most of those things you buy for your baby, you won’t use (HELLOOOOOOO electric bottle warmer, I’m looking at you) and secondly, spending money on you (the mum doing all the work making bones and nervous systems) is just as important as spending money on the baby.
Because taking care of yourself, your body and your mental well-being - guess what, that’s not only good for you, that’s good for your baby. Plus, when said baby is born you will hardly have a minute to give to yourself. So you really need to enjoy the time and space while you can.
Anyway, I made the mistake/choice of just buying one of those super long pillows from Kmart. I rationalised that it could do the same job (prop that belly up) for a fraction of the price. It worked, sure, for like two weeks and then the weight of my belly squished it so much it soon resembled a large, deflated sausage.
Behold... the battered sav.
Deflated sausages aside I know that if I get pregnant again (mum, calm down) I will definitely be investing in something that I look forward to snuggling every night.
Here’s our (secretly my) wish-list:
1. Comfortability – I’m talking sweet relief when I lie down
2. Affordability – OK I know I said spend that money, but it’s a pillow - how is it $200? No.
3. Adaptability – How good would it be to be able to use the pillow post-partum? To prop up the baby when it used to prop up the belly, perhaps?
4. Look – I know this is superficial but if it looks cool I’m all over it. Literally
So here’s what we need from you to help us pinpoint THE pillow we should stock. Hit us up at our suggestion box or email us at and tell us the pregnancy pillow you used that you swore/swear by. Do you make pregnancy pillows? Awesome, we’d love to hear from you too.
Is a bump-focused pillow the way to go?
Because here’s the thing. Anything, and I mean ANYTHING that can give you comfort and help you catch some zzz’s when you’re pregnant… well that’s a bloody well worth it investment.
You’ll sleep like a baby.
Bron x